The project that I have worked on was completely base upon the fact that “no matter what happens to a persons life, his memories will forever stay alive and strong.

The topic that I chose from Calvino’s book was “THE CITY OF ZAIRA”. The city of Zaria was based all upon the fact that it is impossible to describe it if we were to focus on it’s appearances only. I could literally just tell how many steps there are in the streets that rise like stairways, talk about the curvature of the arcades, or mention the kind of tiles that cover the roofs. But it wouldn’t be of any use since he himself thought that it was all nothing just a mere memory. After all, every building and every street is filled with memories. A city is basically just some space overflowing with history as time passes on, a mixture of the present and the past.

The exercise of creating a tunnel book out of the culmination of all the work done till now just showed me how well we are able to use and portray spaces and construct these crazy yet beautiful ideas in our minds and physically represent on paper.



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